Monday, June 2, 2008

06022008 - News Article - Fromm confronts her own lies - ROBERT CANTRELL

Fromm confronts her own lies
NWI Times
Jun 2, 2008
HAMMOND | Nancy Fromm has told a lot of stories, and many don't square with one another.

Most of the incriminating testimony Fromm offered about Robert Cantrell this morning and on Friday has apparently been contradicted, at one point or another, during the 10 meetings she had with investigators since 2003.

She once told investigators her friend "Bobby" never got any cut of the profits from the contract her business had with North Township. She now testifies in Hammond federal court that he did.

She once told grand jurors that she filled out certain key boxes in a form that investigators say constitutes insurance fraud. She now testifies that Cantrell completed some boxes.

She once told a friend Cantrell never did anything wrong -- that it was all "on the up-and-up." She now testifies that she and Cantrell were partners in crime.

"How would someone know when you're lying?" Defense attorney Kevin Milner asked in open court during Cantrell's federal fraud trial.

"I suppose it's hard. Once you've lied to them, they don't trust you anymore," said Fromm, 67, a certified therapist.

"But you've been lying to just about everyone for several years, isn't that correct?" Milner responded.

Instead of directly answering, Fromm went into a digression - as she often does on the stand - saying that her past lies were part of an overall effort to protect Cantrell from prosecution.

But as it turned out, she was the one who was indicted, first for federal tax fraud and later for obstruction of justice.

Fromm said she eventually decided to tell what she calls the whole truth when investigators seized the last of her business records that showed how much cash had disappeared into her and Cantrell's pockets.

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