Tuesday, April 15, 2014

04152014 - VIDEO - Abbi's and Bailey's Facebook Movie

Abbi's and Bailey's video. I love it! An incredible timeline of my furbabies' case being reviewed by the Portage Indiana city officials up to the Indiana state officials. And then, from the FBI to the Department of Justice reviewing Abbi's and Bailey's case.

What a journey these last four years have been!

Also See:

1 comment:

  1. Renee',
    I recall the week before the police entry, when your ex showed up at Marathon looking for you. The police refused to arrest him for violating the protective order.
    You told the officers a Portage judge had gone over Magistrate Johnson's head and had signed an order forcing Jim to immediately pay you your settlement. You were afraid Jim would do something to you before paying you.
    One of the officers said he would contact the prosecutor about filing criminal charges for the protective order violation.
    The next day you and I went to the police department where you gave them the paperwork you had previously sent the judges regarding Johnson, the new order signed by the judge, and the tape of Jim's assault.
    I remember you were concerned about giving the police that paperwork because it was the first time that documents for Johnson's investigation were released.

    They never filed charges against Jim. But a week later the police broke into your house with your ex?
    If the police didn't give your paperwork to the prosecutor, then what did they do with it? I sure don't remember the police giving that paperwork back to you.
