Saturday, April 13, 2019

04132019 - A Victim's Response To Convicted Former Portage Mayor James Snyder's Acquittal Efforts

A Victim's Response To Convicted Former Portage Mayor James Snyder's Acquittal Efforts
Dash-cam mounts on the dash of my truck

I have had these dash-cam mounts on my truck dashboard for years - to the point that although I drive my truck daily, I have 'forgotten' they are there - I just see right through them - that's how ingrained they have become in my life. How sad, eh.

It wasn't until the other day, when an insurance adjuster was taking pictures of the inside of my truck - following an insurance claim - and his observation of the cam mounts, that I 'noticed' them - and along with them the horrible memories of why I had to install the cams: BECAUSE OF YOU AND THE POLICE HARASSMENT AND INTIMIDATION I ENDURED BECAUSE I KEPT CONTACTING CITY, COUNTY, STATE, AND THE FBI ABOUT THE CORRUPTION IN CITY OF PORTAGE AND PORTER COUNTY.

Do you remember the harassment/intimidation you subjected me to at the hands of your police department, James Snyder? Do you remember how it was a joke to have your police officers follow me in their squad cars, playing 'let's see how close we can ride the bumper of Renee's truck'?  Do you know how terrifying it was for me to be followed by squad cars, whenever I drove through town - when I had done nothing wrong.

And although I complained to your office, James Snyder, not once did you ever take action - instead the harassment/intimidation intensified - to the point that I had to install cams on my dashboard - one to record the front and one to record the rear.

Every time I went out in my truck, James Snyder, I had to mount my cams - EVERY STINKING SON-OF-A-BITCHING TIME - because I didn't know what you and your police department would do to me when I went into town. That's how 'effing terrified I was of you and your police department - and, I had no one protecting me from you - NO ONE!

AND NOW, James Snyder, you want the federal court to find you innocent of the other crimes you have been convicted of? REALLY?! What an arrogant snot nosed son-of-a-bitch you are. I hope to hell that your most recent bullshit filings set a fire under the FBI. I pray that the FBI file more indictments against you for the crimes that you have gotten away with - including the crimes you committed against me. I hope they take you down hard - because I honestly think the FBI was too easy on you this time.

Renee' Harrington
In Memory of Abbi Mae and Bailey Su

Former Portage mayor says court ruling bolsters aquittal efforts
Chicago Tribune
April 11, 2019

Attorneys for Portage’s convicted former mayor are saying a recent court ruling that threw out a conviction based on “opinion testimony” should support their motion for acquittal.

James Snyder’s attorneys are citing a recent 7th Circuit Court of Appeals decision bolsters the former mayor’s case for Judge Joseph Van Bokkelen to acquit him of bribery and obstruction the IRS convictions.

Snyder’s attorney referenced the appeals court’s ruling in the case of Andres Garcia, who was convicted of distributing cocaine, citing a lack of witness testimony that tied him to the alleged crime. The court said the case against Garcia instead “the government secured this verdict based upon a federal agent’s opinion testimony” that interpreted intercepted phone calls.

The 7th Circuit vacated Garcia’s conviction.

“The government presented no communications that could plausibly be characterized as incrimination. Nor did it provide any witness testimony going to the intent of the central players in the case,” Bennett said, in court filings. “Indeed, the government presented almost no relevant witness testimony at all. The government preferred to allow the jury to fill the voids in its evidence with speculation.”

The U.S. Attorney’s Office is expected to file a response to Snyder’s post-trial motions April 12.

In February, a federal jury convicted Snyder of bribery and obstructing the IRS, bringing an end to his 19-day trial. Snyder was convicted of taking a $13,000 bribe in exchange for contracts to sell five garbage trucks to the city, and using a shell company to hide income and assets from the IRS while owning back personal and business taxes.

Prosecutors say that when Snyder ran for mayor in 2011, he told residents he planned to automate Portage’s trash pickup, but wound up steering contracts for $712,882.50 and another for $425,355 to Great Lakes Peterbilt, which was then owned by Robert and Steve Buha.

Once those contracts were awarded, Great Lakes Peterbilt paid Snyder $13,000.

A second count said that Snyder, while owing tens of thousands of dollars to the IRS, funneled income through a shell company and failed to disclose any of those assets to the IRS.

A jury found Snyder not guilty of allegedly soliciting a bribe to award two firms a city towing contract.

The defense argued that by not calling two men who paid Snyder $13,000, for what Snyder said was consulting services, after a deal to sell Portage garbage trucks, the jury did not get to hear a full telling of the events, according to court documents.

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