Monday, April 25, 2011

04252011 - Phone Call From Portage Mayor Olga Velazquez - Abbi and Bailey located at home of ex's in Portage Indiana - Unlawful Police Entry/Failure of Portage PD to uphold Criminal No-Contact Order - Portage PD officers turned my furbabies [Abbi and Bailey] over to my ex - Ex had Abbi and Bailey killed in April 2011, no criminal charges; No consequences for Portage PD failing to uphold Criminal No-Contact Order

I received a phone call from Mayor Velazquez, while I was at work on April 25th. I still had no idea that Cynthia Cashner had been murdered by her husband on April 24th.

The first words out of Mayor Velazquez's mouth when I answered the phone: "How safe do you feel from your ex?"

I went ballistic. What kind of a question was this for the Mayor to ask me, knowing full well that her officers had refused to uphold the protective order against my ex? I more or less told the Mayor: We both know that I have no police protection from my ex. He could come in here right now and beat the living crap out of me and the police wouldn't do anything!

Mayor Velazquez simply asked me what I would do if my ex came after me, and I replied, I don't know...but we both know that going to the Portage police isn't an option for me. The Mayor, who was dealing with the recent domestic violence murder of Cynthia Cashner, left the matter at that: she had a dv victim who was in danger with no protection.

Velazquez than asked me what I wanted her to do about the illegal police entry situation. I told her I wanted answers; I wanted to know where the money was that my ex and the officers were bragging about, because it was mine; and I wanted my dogs back.

The Mayor was full of excuses as to why she couldn't do anything about the illegal entry. I stopped her and reminded her that she had allowed officers to illegal enter my home. She did not like that.

I reminded the Mayor what her officers had told me when they refused to turn my dogs Abbi and Bailey over to me, "Don't call us unless they end up dead". For the first time, the Mayor lost her holier than thou attitude with me and gasped.

If anything happens to my dogs...if they are harmed in anyway, I shouted at the Mayor,  I will go public during your re-election campaign about the illegal entry and what you allowed to happen to my dogs! It was the end of the conversation as far as I was concerned.

Mayor Olga Velazquez, apparently didn't know how to handle me daring to expose the illegal police entry and the story about Abbi and Bailey during her re-election....

...Following the April 25th phone call, Portage Police officers began following me each day, as I drove through town. If I was driving in town, there was a Portage squad car driving in the lane next to me...

....Or they would follow close behind me...

....Sometimes they would box me in, with one Portage squad car following me and another squad car in front of me....

I loved when it rained. I would purposely drive close to the shoulder of the road and hit the water puddles with my pickup truck....Sending a shower of water onto the squad car that was tailing behind me. Note to self: Buy mud flaps. NOT!

A joke among my friends was that when they were waiting on me to arrive somewhere, that as soon as they saw Portage Police squad cars, they knew I was close. It wasn't "Keep an eye out for Renee's pickup truck". It was "Keep an eye out for the cops..."

The police would often park across the street from where I worked...and just sit there....and sit there....

My friends and I used to love to sit outside the Portage Starbucks in the evening. We often lost count of the number of times the Portage Police squad cars circled around. One night, I got fed up with the constant circling of the squad cars and we decided to go to another resturant...

...I was tailed the entire way to Denny's by a squad car. But that was my life....for an entire eight months. It was sad, because not one of those police officers that joined in this game of following me, was there to protect me from my abusive ex-husband. They were there to protect Mayor Velazquez from me daring to go public about the illegal police entry and the deaths of Abbi and Bailey.

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